A challenge of a “Kominka”
2017. 08. 04. fri
Living shoji (large build) Kumiko ranma Irregular pattern Patterned all over Complex pattern -
A fusion of old and new
2017. 05. 31. wed
Living shoji (large build) Kumiko ranma Fittings Furniture Irregular pattern Complex pattern -
Delicate yet dynamic
2017. 05. 09. tue
Living shoji (large build) Kumiko ranma Fittings Furniture Irregular pattern Complex pattern -
Adaptation to the space
2017. 04. 18. tue
Living shoji (large build) Patterned all over Complex pattern Grid pattern -
As a casual accent
2017. 03. 02. thu
Living shoji (large build) Complex pattern Grid pattern -
Playing with the night light
2016. 12. 19. mon
Kumiko ranma Fittings Irregular pattern Complex pattern Grid pattern -
Flexible and dynamic
2016. 12. 11. sun
Living shoji (large build) Irregular pattern Complex pattern -
Precisely Modern
2016. 11. 25. fri
Living shoji (large build) Patterned all over Complex pattern -
Techniques Resonating Together
2016. 11. 12. sat
Kumiko ranma Indirect lighting Patterned all over Complex pattern -
Japanese Hospitality
2016. 10. 04. tue
Living shoji (large build) Kumiko ranma Complex pattern Grid pattern -
Born of One Tree
2016. 07. 29. fri
Living shoji (large build) Kumiko ranma Irregular pattern Patterned all over Complex pattern Grid pattern Curve -
Enjoying Light and Shadow
2016. 07. 20. wed
Indirect lighting Patterned all over Complex pattern -
A Connection to Overcome Distance
2016. 06. 17. fri
Kumiko ranma Patterned all over Complex pattern Grid pattern