- Kumiko andon lamp
- Oogara-Kasane-Riondo, Oogara-Kasane-Yaeurabana-kikko, Oo-Asanoha, Oo-Goma, Oo-sakura, Oogara-Ichoha
- Cypress
The signs and bedside lamps of each room were made to match the kumiko style of the living room’s partition divider. The beauty of kumiko was traditionally conceived as an interplay of light and shadow, making silhouettes emerge from the indirect lighting to create an indescribable beauty. The kumiko designs of this room are in 8 styles over 23 fixtures. We fired ourselves up and worked as hard as we could to meet the tight deadline.
Device parts are made by a expert manufacturer in Osaka. I met him almost eight years ago, and was taught a lot about electric lighting. Thanks to this, the range of products we can offer to our customers has expanded, as has our peace of mind.
It is marvelous that our work brings about many connections, and I makes me very happy. Hopefully these connections will grow even more…