Born of One Tree

Born of One Tree
House of H (Hiroshima prefecture)
  • Products
    Traditional kumiko, Partition, Writing room’s shoji, Writing room’s Ranma
  • Patterns
    Osa, Kakuasanoha, Oo-Asanoha, Sansui
  • Material
    red cedar

One day, during a phone call, the first thing out of the phone was “I want shoji screens built in the area being constructed.” 

There was originally only an order for one window but, during a meeting, I made a truly unreasonable, selfish request: I wanted to make shoji screens surrounding the entirety of the Japanese-style room. However, there was a point to the request. 

The fixtures in question are actually not made from assembled parts, but rather from a single log. As a natural product, the wood of each and every tree differs in its expression of grain or color, no matter how high quality it may be. 

By creating one space with a single tree, it gains calm and value. Of course, large trees are needed, but we finished H’s new construction with suitable materials. 

Adjoining rooms’ windowed shoji screens, kumiko transoms, drawing room shoji screens, living room shoji screens… In being allowed to work on a project with the best wood, on fittings with a depth unique to authentic Japanese style rooms, the craftsman was truly blessed with far more than he deserved.